Zoid/Pilot Bond

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The Bond between a Zoid and its pilot is a concept that is seen in multiple incarnations of the Zoids franchise.


A Zoid and its pilot can form a deep emotional bond with each other. It requires the pilot to love and respect their Zoid as a partner and a living being rather than simply as a weapon. In some cases the power of the bond can allow the Zoid to transcend normal barriers of strength, enabling them to defeat pilots with much greater skill and experience or Zoids that are objectively far more powerful. This was seen on multiple occasions: when Van and Zeke and the Blade Liger defeated Raven, Shadow and the Geno Saurer; when Rosso and his Storm Sworder defeated Major Ralph and his Triple S; when Van and his Blade Liger defeated Hiltz' Organoid and Zoid Eve-boosted Death Stinger; and when Bit and the Liger Zero defeated Vega and his Berserk Fury. The power of the Alpha Zoid manifests itself as a Zoid which shares a deep bond with its pilot.