Sleeper Zoid

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Sleeper Zoids are a type of unmanned Zoid.


Sleepers are Zoids which are operated by a computer instead of a pilot, and are the most basic type of drone seen in the series. Essentially land mines in Zoid form, they follow simplistic, pre-programmed attack patterns, and remain dormant until triggered, "awakening" to attack. They display less in the way of autonomy or intelligence than even a feral or wild Zoid, and are usually installed in disposable, mass-produced cannon fodder Zoids such as Guysacks or Rev Raptors; they're no match for a competent pilot in a high performance Zoid unless they attack in large numbers or by ambush. However, sleepers are able to remain dormant for a very long time, and in eras of peace, lost Sleepers can pose a deadly threat to civilians.


Chaotic Century

Guardian Force
