Dark Spiner (Zoid)

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The Dark Spiner is a Spinosaurus-type Zoid.

Dark Spiner
Release Info
Dark Spiner (2001, Japan, Tomy)

Dark Spiner (2002, US/Canada, Hasbro)
Killer Spiner (2004, Japan, Tomy)

Model type: Battery-op


The Dark Spiner came out in 2001, hot on the heels of Jurassic Park III, which featured the Spinosaurus as its main antagonist, portraying it an immense, all powerful, T. rex killing super-predator. In reality, while the Spinosaurus was slightly larger than the T. rex, it was a semi-aquatic piscivore rather than a big game hunter. Subsequent finds in 2014 revealed it had comically stubby legs like a duck that made it slow moving and ungainly on land.

The Dark Spiner could be said to mirror its real life counterpart: it used to have an overblown reputation in fanon as the particle spewing successor to the Berserk Fury. However, in canon, the Dark Spiner was actually depicted as an electronic warfare Zoid - the most advanced of its kind. While certainly formidable in direct combat with its 144mm machine guns, its true strength lies in its ability to disrupt enemy communications with the jamming blade on its back. It can also deflect enemy fire with an ion field generated by the jamming blade.

Toy Release Info

Dark Spiner (Tomy, Japan, 2001)

Dark Spiner (Hasbro, US/Canada, 2002)

Fuzors (Tomy, Japan, 2004)

Appearences in Non-Model Merchandise

Appearences in other media