Main Page

Revision as of 10:18, 3 September 2017 by Steve (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the Zoids Evolution Wiki

We don't have a fancy main page right now, so try this boring list!

Read the rules before you edit, please.

Currently there are no formatting guidelines, but expect that to change as we work things out. Short version: don't copy Wikipedia or the Wikia Zoids wiki.

If you have ideas, feel free to share them on the forum or the community portal! Formatting suggestions are especially handy.

If you want something to work on but don't want to start an article, try adding to one of the stub articles. If you've made an article you don't want to expand on/finish, add {{stub}} at the top to mark it as a stub.


Oct 16, 2014 - Hatch - Updated to latest and greatest MW version.

Dec 27, 2013 - Hatch - Registration has been permanently closed due to high amounts of spam. If you are interested in participating on this wiki, please request an account on the Zoids Evolution Forums by posting a new topic.

A note about images

Consider using JPG format instead of PNG for very large image sizes.