Role Playing Game

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A Role Playing Game (often abbreviated to RPG) is... well, a game in which you play a role!


Internet RPGs are born from the same tradition as classic Tabletop RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons, where the player assumes the identity of a character and role-plays as them with others, generally under the supervision of a "Game Master" (or in the Zoids RPG tradition, a "Judge"). It could more or less be compared to modertated interactive improvisational storytelling; fan-run RPGs based around copyrighted media franchises such as Zoids could therefore be thought of as moderated interactive improvisational fanfiction. (Astonishingly, Zoids has no official Tabletop RPG. It should!)

The setting of the New Century anime easily leant itself to internet RP scenarios, as it was simple, well defined, yet open-ended and easy to expand upon. Players would join together, assuming the identity of Zoid Warriors to form their own teams and participate in battles against others, winning points and prize money that could be used within the context of the game to purchase new Zoids, or modifications and accessories, such as Custom Parts or Organoids. Battles were typically held in messageboard threads, or over IM clients such as AIM for more immediate feedback. Story-driven character interactions were also held, typically outside of the recreational Zoid battles. During the height of the english-speaking Zoids fandom (from around 2002-2006), there were many RPGs to choose from, some run better than others. Zoids Evolution itself technically still has an RPG, but activity has screeched to a halt.

Probably the most noteworthy Zoids RPG was Metal Machine Music, insofar as it contributed significantly to fanon due to its size and popularity. MMM's detailed Zoid profiles were sometimes mistaken for canon; in actuality, they deviated from the Official Stats, ostensibly for the sake of gameplay balance. Among the fanon it helped to perpetuate was the Dark Spiner's possession of a Charged Particle Cannon, and the fanon names of the Psycho Geno Saurer, Toge Sniper and Geno Breaker Jet ("Crystal Saurer", "Peirce Sniper" and "Geno Breaker Psychosis", respectively.)

Now that the fandom has since shrunk considerably, the Zoids RPG scene has all but vanished.